In this episode we talk about liability insurance, keeping your accreditation up, working with younger age groups, The Pocket Site calculator, websites, coaching, delivering workshops, platforms for online business, structuring videos/ workshops/webinars, growing an email list, domain names, branding and logo design and website builders like
Getting started in private practice
Choosing a name how to get it right
Setting up your private practice email
Buying a domain name and where to look
Amy - the self-esteem therapist going live on Instagram for the month of August - maximising impact
Which online platform to use for therapy sessions
Delivering corporate workshops, what to charge
Delivering coaching as a CBT therapist - what qualifications do you need
The next Q&A sessions are:
Friday 4th August 30 min at 12 pm Q&A for all paid Subscribers
Friday 11th August 30 min at 12 pm Q&A for all paid Subscribers
Friday 18th July 30 min at 12 pm Q&A - all paid Subscribers
Q&A at 12 pm BST, Fri 28th July