The next Q&A is Tuesday 9th April @6pm BST - 1 hour Q&A with Sarah and Sophie
In this episode we talked about:
Marketing efforts, especially on platforms like Instagram, may take around 3 months to show significant results. Consistency and patience are essential.
Despite efforts on Instagram, some participants found it challenging to drive traffic to their websites, indicating frustrations with platform engagement.
Engagement increased during a live challenge on Instagram, fostering a sense of community among therapists and facilitating mutual support.
The announcement of winners in an Instagram challenge -
The winner of the Instagram challenge was
In Second place was
Discussion on cancellation policies for therapy sessions.
Establishing clear cancellation policies upfront helps manage expectations.
Discussion on networking within the community of therapists and professionals working with children.
Importance of setting strict boundaries with clients and parents for effective therapy.
Experimentation and feedback are crucial in business and marketing strategies.
Utilisation of social media, such as podcasts, to generate buzz and visibility for therapist services.
Traditional methods like business cards still have relevance and may aid in networking.
Considerations and strategies for utilising Google Ads effectively, including tracking and timing.
Experimentation with Google Ads.
Suggestions for self-education through online resources like YouTube videos for understanding Google Ads.
Save the dates for the next calls…
Tuesday 9th April @6pm BST - 1 hour Q&A with Sarah and Sophie
Friday 12th April @12pm BST - 30 min Q&A
Wednesday 17th 4pm Founders & Getting Started Course Attendees -1hr Q&A with Sarah and Sophie
Thursday 18th 12 pm - 1 hr, Expert Guest Q&A with Gemma Heard
Q&A with expert guest - Gemma Heard Accountant on Thursday 18th April at 12pm BST
Friday 19th April 1 pm Q&A with Sarah & Sophie - GDPR
Wednesday 24th April, 6 pm - Sarah & Sophie Q&A on Websites/SEO
Friday 26th April, 12 pm - Expert Guests - Podcasts Audio and Video - with Emily Crosby and Suze Cooper
Q&A with expert guests with Emily Crosby and Suze Cooper on Podcasts Audio and Video - Friday 26th April 12pm BST
Tuesday 30th April at 12 with Sarah
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