Therapists Corner
Therapists Corner Podcast
Therapists Corner

Therapists Corner

Q&A- Friday 19th May at 12 - Useful links we discussed are at the bottom of the page
  • Welcome to today's Q&A session focused on attracting self-funding clients and other relevant topics.

  • Thank you to everyone who joined us today to discuss strategies and insights for building a successful client base.

Discussion Points:

  1. Attracting Self-Funding Clients When Starting Out:

  • We delved into effective approaches to attract self-funding clients, particularly when starting a new venture.

  • Topics discussed included leveraging personal networks, utilizing online platforms, and establishing a strong online presence.

  1. The Value of Niches:

  • We explored the importance of niches in targeting specific markets and attracting clients with particular needs.

  • Strategies for identifying profitable niches and tailoring marketing efforts were shared among the participants.

  • Working with Referral Agencies:

  • Being Comfortable with Charging:

  • We addressed the challenges of setting pricing and discussed strategies for feeling confident about charging for services.

  • Tips for establishing value, effectively communicating pricing to clients, and overcoming imposter syndrome were shared.

  1. Working in Remote Areas and Attracting Clients:

  • The session covered tactics for attracting clients while working in remote or geographically limited areas.

  • Google ads vs Facebook adds


  • Thank you again to all the participants for their active engagement and insightful contributions.

  • Our next Free Q&A session will take place on Thursday, [Next Q&A Date], at 5 PM.

  • We welcome everyone to join us for the next session, where we'll dive into another stimulating discussion.

  • Please mark your calendars and spread the word among your networks.

Links Shared

SEO Health Check and Directory listing service

Fee Calculator

How much should I charge

Should I niche

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Therapists Corner
Therapists Corner Podcast
Delighted to have you here! On the 'Therapists Corner' podcast we share our Q&A sessions and a few other bits and pieces, hope you enjoy if you find it useful please share it with your colleagues.